
Project Based Learning

Ahh, projects. One of the most abundant things we do here at the STEM School. Project-Based Learning (PBL) is how we learn together and grow together, and that's helpful in two ways: we get to meet new people, and we get to learn how those new people work and learn, so we can all be better people. Project-based learning is fun, too! We get to work on a lot of cool assignments The cool thing about PBL, though, is that multiple classes are tied into it. For example, in eighth grade, there was a project called the "Drug Poetry Project," an the goal was to get information about certain addictive drugs and write poetry about the effects of those substances. We did the writing portion in Language Arts, and the research and informational portion in Wellness & Fitness.

Check out my 6th Grade Portfolio, my 7th Grade Reflection, my 8th Grade Growth Statement, my .9th Grade Growth Statement, or my 10th Grade Projects.