DRSS 5 Qualities

My school's five essential qualities

Hello! I’m Nate Arnow. Welcome to the 5 Qualities page of my digital portfolio. The school I go to, the Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS), has five qualities that everybody at the school lives by. This is my interpretation of the DRSS five qualities, as well as some examples of how they were used.


Persistence is the aspect of not giving up when work or activities get hard or difficult. To accomplish this, you have to commit to the work, and not turn back until you finish, while keeping a positive attitude. The image I chose is a 3D model of my group's competition robot for the FTC Centerstage Challenge. We face many hardships and stuggles making this robot, but we showed persistence in the end.

Above: Persistence image


Collaboration is the the act of working with people on a common goal. Collaboration does not necessarily mean the communication between team members, but it can mean the work itself as well. The image I chose for collaboration shows my classmates and I working together to use the FANUC robotic arm, which required collaboration because no single person knew everything about the robot's operation.

Above: Collaboration image


Inquiry is the aspect of learning where you ask questions and perform excersises to learn the skill you're working on. The image I chose to represent inquiry shows a forensics case we worked on in Biology, where we had to ask qestions and gather information to solve the case.

Above: Inquiry image


Communication is The act of talking to people, whether about group projects, video games, or pretty much anything else. Just generally interacting with people. The image I chose to represent communication shows me and a group member working together to solve a problem by bouncing ideas off each other while we collaborate to resolve the issue.

Above: Communication image


Creativity is essentially putting your own personal spin on something, and it has to be created by you, and at least a little bit original. The image I chose to represent creativity shows me and a classmate working to come up with new ideas to apply to our competition robot during the early stages of the build. We came up with unique and efficient ways to acomplish the task at hand.

Above: Persistence image